Friday, October 30, 2009

Sweatpants, hat, and no makeup = Sexy.

Quote of the Day:
Do I consider myself sexy? It all depends on the way I'm feeling. When I'm happy inside, that's when I feel most sexy. Anna Kournikova

Ness's Beauty Tip of the Day:
What is sexy? Is it when you take 5 hours to get ready? Is it when you work with putting the most perfect curls in your hair for 2 hours? Is it when you wear $500 jeans and a $200 Ed Hardy shirt? No. It is none of these.

You want to know what sexy really is? Well, I will tell you the secret. But shh, promise not to tell too many people!

Sexy is:
  • confidence
  • a relaxed look
  • a face filled with energy
  • simple sweat pants and a hoodie
  • and last but not least, a smile!

So, if one day, you don't have the time or the money - there is no need to worry! Just be yourself, flaunt your personality, and smile at everyone! :) Now, that's what Sexy is.

This picture basically describes Sexy. :)
Enjoy being sexy without the hassle!
Much love, xoxo, Ness. :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Secret to Longevity: Your Inner Child

Quote of the Day:
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." -Pablo Picasso

Ness's Beauty Tip of the Day:
Learn to laugh once everyday. Practice smiling at everyone you see. Consider projects your imagination's playtime. And, continue to search for your inner child:
  • the one that stayed up late because it was "cool"
  • the one that was not afraid to dance in the rain
  • the one that introduced him/herself to people he/she didn't know
  • the one that felt a sense of joy after baking cookies with his/her mother
  • the one that was excited to open up her special notebook and begin with "Dear Diary..."
I honestly believe that your inner child will prevent sickness, blemishes, and getting "old". So, please, never be afraid to roll up your Barbie shirt sleeves, put on your paint smock, and use your imagination while at work or through your studies.

News of the Day:
Today, I decided to look on, just because... And what I saw was pretty amazing - I saw many opening jobs for restaurants, for marketing related companies (that are not fake), etc. This was amazing to me because I know that this is evidence that the economy is changing... for the better. People who work in restaurants are putting in their 2-weeks notice, because something better - their passion - has come along. Businesses are looking for unique people to become a part of their company. Businesses are building and not falling - and it is exciting. So, my little advice to you: Go out there. In the world, on the web, anything. And look for that special passion of yours. You will find it. And you will be happy. That inner child will not have to be searched for, but rather, it will be with you everyday.

Xoxo, Ness :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm singingg in the raiin!!

Quote of the Day:
“The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Beauty Tip of the Day by Ness:
Get the BUBBLE UMBRELLA! I am telling you, this thing is amazing!

I am sure that you have all head about or have seen this lovely umbrella as you walked the streets with your flimsy umbrella turninng inside-and-out due to the large gusts of winds that accompany a storm. Well, you know what, you don't have to worry anymore about that flimsy umbrella that causes you to actually get more wet and more stressed out than you were when you woke up.
I have a little story for you... There was once this girl that hated the rain and the snow and the wind - mainly because her umbrella... was flimsy! Then, as she walked through the city, a new, improved, and PINK umbrella caught her eye - yes, this is the bubble umbrella! From that day on, she swore that she would buy one ASAP, but... she didn't. So, she continued to suffer in the rain, by wearing hats, or hoodies, and being drenched with rain throughout her day. She was not a happy camper. Then, one day, her mother bought her this lovely umbrella that she had been talking about for ages! And... she lived happily ever after. :) The End.
Now, the question is, where the heck can one find and buy this umbrella? Well, it's no that difficult after all, unless your lazy... like that cough cough, girl was in the story above. P.S. DON'T BE LAZY and DON'T WAIT TO GET THIS UMBRELLA. The answer is: google it, or simply find the nearest Target and buy one for just $21.99.
Bumping into someone on your walk to work because you can't see through your umbrella and then you break your leg: $800.
Getting your new highlited hair drenched right after you just got it done and creating ugly lines on your skin after your spray tan because your umbrella flipped inside-and-out: $500.
Buying the bubble umbrella, looking the sexiest with it's clear + color design, and walking into work completely dry: priceless. ;)
Now, don't wait! Buy that bubble umbrella today, before it's too late, Ms. Poppins! :)
xoxo Ness.