Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Money... Don't be afraid to USE it! :)

Quote of the Day:

"Shopping is better than sex. If you're not satisfied after shopping you can make an exchange for something you really like."

Ness's Beauty Tip of the Day:
Splurging, even if you only make $20/day is OKAY... as long as you have an enjoyable time doing so and buy something that makes your heart smile and body look BANGIN'! What did I learn today? Well, I learned that under-garment-like dresses look sexy with no bra and Hank Panky thongs are WORTH the $16+!

Oh, and not to mention - Knit Wit on Walnut Street in Philly has a GREAT sales staff! My friend Britt and I love Debra! :)

Event of the Day:
Public House - Amber Backes is Guest Bartending again! 6-7pm free drinks! 7-8pm $20 cover!
The Natural Result - My friends' band! - Playing @ Lickety Split at 401 South Street - NO COVER!

Events of the Week:
The Field House Sports Bar - Friday beginning @ 9pm - Sumo Wrestling, 3 UFC Fighter Signings, Playmate Rachel Leah - $2 Bud Lights!
MusikFest in Bethlehem, PA - All weekend!